Women's Ministry Event

Our first "For Such A Time As This" event!!!

A celebration of women and faith, the event was an evening filled with music, inspirational words, and entertainment. The ladies that attended were encouraged and strengthened as they learned how each of us are created for a purpose.

Based on a True Story Bible Study

A group of individuals who embraced the inspiration and creativity in the entertainment industry in order to learn, grow, and share the love of Christ to those around them. The Bible study supported the non-profit organization The Hollywood Prayer Network which is led by entertainment industry followers of Christ seeking to impact our culture for Christ through prayer. They met monthly at member's houses and at local movie theaters. 

The B.OA.T.S. Bible study members attending a local screening of the movie Priceless. 

We collected dry dog food and cat food to be given to the animal shelter where I adopted my chihuahua, Colton!!! I am so grateful for these men and women who invest in those around them!!! 

The Based on a True Story Bible study had a blast making our first short film to celebrate three years of meeting together. Check it out!!!

Ohana Gals Bible Study

Ohana Gals was a Bible study where a group of women did life together. We completed different Bible study series and attended events that grew us closer to God. Fellowship with God and each other were the key components of Ohana Gals. 

The Ohana Gals got together to celebrate the completion of a Bible study series and we dressed up in floral attire! 

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